Coyote has been running the numbers, and things just don't add up.
Mayor Hickenlooper says Tent State won't be a problem, because even though they won't be able to camp in City park, they will have friends who have plenty of couches to sleep on. Really? Lets say only twenty thousand come. Putting two or three Tent Staters in a room requires lots of couches, and lots of rooms. And lots of friends. Would all these rooms be within a reasonable traveling time from City park? Probably not. When the park closes at eleven p.m., where will they go? Coyote can't help but believe that a group with the name TENT State will probably pitch tents (duh!), which will lead to police confrontations, and lots of other problems. Do jails have couches? Coyote smells problems.
But fear not, Coyote has an idea. If you can't get the people to the couches, bring the couches to the people. Therefore, change the name of the group. Call them Sofa State, or Hide-a-Bed State, or Air Mattress State. Then Jake Jabs can truck thousands of couches to City Park, get all kinds of free advertising, and everyone will be happy. Sofa Staters won't be camping in City Park, they will be reclining. There is no Denver law against reclining in city parks after curfew, is there? See, Coyote can find a way out of every problem.
Can American Furniture also deliver several thousand port-a-potties?
Put it on lay away with
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