Short Coyote thoughts from day one:
It is sometimes hard to tell if there are more protesters or more media. What does this mean? It can't be good.
Speaking of not good, the only real altercations were with Fox News (Coyote is always suspicious of foxes). Who knows who started it, but people almost started punching a Fox News reporter at the Capitol, and during the anti-war march. When the media becomes the story, too many media.
I think the police did a good job. Coyote could tell they were going out of their way to give space, not react, be present, and yet not be too present. I hope this continues.
Only Colorado people have heard of Recreate 68, or Tent State. Anyone not from Colorado has no idea what you are talking about.
Most shocking was the disappearance of Tent State. Coyote was told, as were we all, that twenty thousand or more Tent Staters would gather first in City Park, then it was Cuernavaca Park, and that at curfew they would march to the Pepsi Center protester area. Very, very wrong. At most thirty people went to the Pepsi Center. Coyote wants to know, is there a Tent State, and if so, what exactly is it?
Most touching were dozens of pairs of boots at Cuernavaca Park, each with the name of a Colorado soldier who had died in the war. Those boots brought tears to Coyote's eyes.
What does it all mean? The union of opposites. All life is a union of opposites, and more pairs of opposites will manifest themselves this week. We can't know the light without the dark.
CoyoteJ, who is always opposite to himself.
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