Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Royal Flush

Coyote may be in Crested Butte, but he is still on the prowl.

So, the old joke goes, if you are of African nationality when you enter a bathroom, and you are of Australian nationality when you leave the bathroom, what nationality are you when you are in the bathroom? Answer: European. And Coyote believes if this your-a-peeing person doesn't stop soon, they will quickly stockpile enough fluid to fill an entire Denver house. Wowzerz.

Okay, where have we heard this before? A ludicrous allegation, based on spurious intelligence, concerning weapons of mass urination, with the intention of rallying the citizens to support......war. This is not good at all. Coyote is worried. The propaganda machine is churning, preparing people for battle. Allegations need no factual support, for the allegations reflect not truth, but fearful minds mobilizing themselves for the unpleasant fantasies they think are coming. Not good at all.

But Coyote will not be a potty to this kind of propaganda. We will not be bowled over by fantasies. Everyone on both sides must steady their aim, and stick to reality. Reality.

Here Coyote draws a line in the stream. No apeesment for...............never mind. Reality puts limits even on Coyote.

CoyoteJ, who is still pondering the psychological significance of this prolonged fixation with bodily fluids.

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